Its main purpose is the creation of a Balkan Brass Band for kids. Balkan is the musical term that stands for sad and happy at the same time. Commands the body to dance to the rhythm and bends the soul with its melodies. It is an easy music to learn how to play and also a vivid sound in the ears and hearts that unites every soul of this multicultural community. Brass are the tools of expression in the children’s hands. They are impressive, shinny and play really loud. Band stands for ensemble, a small community, a team that aspires to be the center of creation, inspiration and meeting of the kids. The project’s vision is train the trainer. This method is so effective among kids. Makes learning faster, immediate and effective, while enhances their teaching, transmission and communication skills. Effectively, throughout this method are promoted values such as solidarity collegiality and friendship. This way, it is a context is provided where they feel totally free. A condition that permits them to express, self- organize their band and, above all, enjoy music, enjoy company and enjoy playing. Because music is a game!

The project’s core are the weakly meetings which take place at the Communitism Sociocultural Center, a place that has been conceded during the last years to local entities and very active artists with ongoing projects and has been embraced by the local community.

Until the spring of 2019, an active music ensemble organized by kids has been created. The project members, which are the members of the “Agia Fanfara”, a Balkan Brass Band with an active sociocultural background, consists of people of a huge experience in the field of music as well as pedagogical projects of both private and public initiatives.

MakeSomeNoiz is a project that has been initially implemented in November 2018 in Hamburg, Germany, supported by “START – Create Cultural Change”, a program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, conducted in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki and the German Association of Sociocultural Centers, supported by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation and the Bodossaki Foundation.

Program coordinator

Domenico Bonassi
[email protected]
Tel: 6932542734

Communication officer

Elsa Kundig
[email protected]
Tel: 6978391322